May, 2024
Dear Friends,
With great pleasure and pride, we are thrilled to announce the online release of our E-Book on wrist arthroscopy techniques, now accessible completely free of charge!
This book is the culmination of a collective effort, particularly the close collaboration we have enjoyed for over 20 years with IRCAD ( in general and WebSurg ( in particular.
It also reflects the contributions of our teaching group established three years ago, IRCAD-IWC (, formed through the partnership between IRCAD and IWC (
Moreover, this endeavor represents the achievements of our beloved society IWAS (, which I am honored to have founded and which has emerged as a key player in upper limb and wrist surgery over the past two decades.
However, this book is also yours!
The E-Book format offers tremendous flexibility for publishing and updating techniques. Please feel free to share your techniques (, ideally accompanied by a video demonstration.
Although there are no strict editorial guidelines, keep in mind that this is a technical book, so conventional academic chapters are not necessary. As you will notice, indications are succinctly summarized in the introduction, with results possibly mentioned in the conclusion.
It is through your contributions and ideas, abundantly evident in every course or conference, that this book will evolve and remain regularly updated.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,